
  • i What is Orchardgrass?
  • ii What Does Orchardgrass Look Like?
  • 3 Where Does Orchardgrass Grow?
  • 4 How to Abound Orchardgrass?
    • 4.1 Seeding and Planting
      • 4.1.i Seeding Method
    • 4.2 Maintenance and Management
      • 4.2.1 Pasture Management
      • 4.2.2 Hay Management
    • 4.3 Harvesting
  • five FAQs About Orchardgrass
    • five.1 Is orchardgrass perennial?
    • 5.ii Is orchardgrass good for horses?
    • 5.3 Is orchardgrass good for rabbits?
    • five.iv Will orchardgrass reseed itself?
    • 5.5 Is orchardgrass skilful for lawns?
    • 5.six Does orchardgrass come back every year?
    • 5.7 Is orchardgrass bad?
  • six Where to Buy Orchardgrass for Pasture and Hay?

Are you lot looking for excellent forage grass for your livestock? Or are you lot scouting to accommodate a new plant material to help control soil erosion in your land? Whether it's to cultivate your sprawling country, take care of your livestock, or preserve the wildlife, orchard grass has got yous covered.

Orchardgrass, also known as cocksfoot , has been a widely used grass in almost whatever landscape for its robust and multi-functional nature. It makes for an excellent companion grass, forage, hay, silage, wildlife habitat, biosolids, and many more than.

Sowing and planting it on your land volition brand for a wise investment in your agriculture business or domesticated livestock. But outset thing'due south first一how tin can y'all grow your own orchard grass?

Go along on reading beneath to learn more virtually orchardgrass and the best practices involved in sowing, maintaining, managing, and harvesting it. orchard grass for livestock

What is Orchardgrass?

Orchardgrass ( Dactylis glomerata ) is a tall-growing, perennial bunchgrass of the family unit Poaceae. It is a persistent and productive cool-flavour grass that grows in spring and flourishes during the cool months. Furthermore, this grass specimen is shade-tolerant, mildly drought-resistant, and has more winter hardiness than other grasses of its kind. It tin can also tolerate a fair amount of heat, making information technology an platonic plant to be grown nether sunlight.

Orchardgrass originally grows in temperate continents, like western and central Europe and North Africa. Then, it was introduced in the North American region in the 1700s every bit hay and forage grass for livestock.

Now, orchardgrass is cultivated in different parts of the country as part of a ingather rotation programme. But in some areas, such as Delaware and Virginia, it's classified as a baneful weed and invasive plant species. Although, many wild and domesticated livestock detect these absurd-flavor grasses highly palatable.

What Does Orchardgrass Look Like?

This perennial turf has a characteristic light light-green to blue-light-green color with a flattened stem at the base. It has a distinguished panicle seed head and a long, membranous ligule with brusque spiky projections at the top. Additionally, it has a prominent midvein on the lower underside of its leaves.

Orchardgrass makes significant growth during the absurd seasons, reaching its maximum height of l to 120 cm tall. Its leaf is well-nigh two-8mm broad and 20cm long only can accomplish up to 50cm. It has a flat only sharp-pointed leaf blade, which is rough along the edges.

Lastly, the cocksfoot grass has a closed sheath for at least one-half its length. It as well has a flattened and hairless sheath with a smooth to slightly rough texture.

Where Does Orchardgrass Grow?

Normally, yous can find orchardgrass freely growing in savannas, woodland areas, erstwhile pastures, orchards, thickets, and argue rows. You can also run into it flourishing in highly irrigated regions and places with much rainfall. Just due to its tolerant nature, it can besides grow in disturbed sites, such as roadside or waste areas.

Furthermore, its dense root arrangement and shade tolerance allow information technology to grow alongside competitive legumes, such as alfalfa or reddish clover .

How to Abound Orchardgrass?

If you're planning to abound this tufted grass in your mural, its specific growing conditions include the following:

  • Bones to acidic soil with a particular pH of 5.8 to 7.5 is all-time.
  • It can grow in diverse soil types, from dirt to gravelly loam.
  • Information technology tin can grow in moderate to well-drained soils simply not in saline soil and places with high water tables.
  • It thrives all-time in areas receiving 16 to 18 inches of atmospheric precipitation yearly, but it can still grow in locations that receive as little equally 11 inches of almanac rainfall.
  • Its optimal growing temperature is at 73-54°F, merely it can tolerate humid temperatures and summertime conditions.
  • It can notwithstanding thrive during the winter months (up to -30F), just it's not as winter tolerant as bromegrass and tall fescue.

Moreover, a well-prepared seedbed should be made months before the planting appointment to ensure that added amendments (east.g., fertilizer) react well in the soil.

Read: How to Choose the Right Fertilizer

fertilizer granules

Seeding and Planting

Ideally, orchardgrass seeds should exist sown during the spring to late summer. Seeding it after mid-September will make it decumbent to winter injury since its early seedling phase is not yet tolerant to freezing temperatures. Here are some essential seeding guides to employ when planting orchardgrass for specific uses, in particular areas, or seasons:

  • For dryland and erosion control orchardgrass , seedings should exist made during late fall or very early on spring.
  • For provender or grazing utilize, it should be drilled in late wintertime to early spring.
  • For irrigated areas , drill the seeds during early to mid-bound.
  • For successful fall seedings, sow them about 45 days earlier the first boilerplate frost of the autumn.

Use clean, high-quality seeds and sow them at a seeding charge per unit of 8 to 12 pounds per acre. If you're going to seed them with legumes, suit the seeding rate to 4 to 12 pounds. For pure stands, make sure that the seedbed is limed and fertilized with one that's rich in nitrogen.

Additionally, you should ensure that the seed depth is approximately ¼ to ½  inches. Sowing them deeper than that might not let them to germinate or pause soil during growth. After seeding or drilling, ensure that there's expert seed-to-soil contact past gently packing the ground using a cultipacking method.

Call back, you can seed or plant orchardgrass with other legumes (eastward.g., alfalfa) but NOT with other grasses. This is due to their palatability and maturity differences.

Seeding Method

The preferred seeding method for pure and/or mixed grass-legumes is drilling. For this technique, you tin utilize grain drills or Brillion type for a more controlled seeding depth and perfect seed distribution. Another good choice is the double-disc drill with press wheels.

Additionally, circulate seeding may be used through unlike kinds of broadcast equipment, such as buggies and fertilizer trucks. However, this method has an increased risk of creating an uneven seed distribution.

After broadcast seeding, make sure that in that location'south at least ¼ to ½ inch of soil covering the seeds. Apply castor-blazon drags to cover the seeds and a cultipacker to ensure seed to soil contact.

close-up orchard grass

Maintenance and Management

Orchardgrass can thrive in challenging conditions. Additionally, it responds well to practiced fertility management, specifically nitrogen applied prior to seeding. It is also recommended to use nitrogen promptly between growing seasons and/or based on soil tests.

However, you should refrain from calculation nitrogen to orchard-legume mixtures as the grass will only compete with the legume to the point of eliminating it.

Additionally, information technology's important to periodically fertilize it with lime, potassium, and phosphorus to ensure quality product and established stand life. Plus, yous can maintain its thriving state by regularly checking the soil pH or doing soil tests to ensure topsoil conditions throughout its growth.

Typically, soil requirements of orchardgrass or orchard grass-legume mix are as follows:

  • 20 to thirty pounds of nitrogen per acre
  • 50 to 120 pounds of phosphorous oxide per acre (for enhanced root development)
  • 40 to 60 pounds of potassium oxide (potash fertilizer) per acre

Hither are some other important management practices to keep in mind when growing your own orchardgrass:

Pasture Management

Orchardgrass provides high-quality fodder grass suitable for pasture and grazing several types of livestock. Ensure the all-time production and quality by doing rotational grazing. This means that yous should only do heavy grazing during its thriving season (leap). After at least grazing l% during the growing season, orchardgrass should be allowed to mature again then its stand can continue providing quality forage grass.

Additionally, orchardgrass should be at least 6 inches tall earlier grazing. Later on grazing, it should retain a minimum stubble height of 4 inches. Beneath that, you'll run a risk damaging and retarding the constitute'southward time to come growth.

Information technology's also of import to note that orchardgrass taller than 10 inches may exist less palatable and provide fewer nutrients.

Hay Direction

For hay use, orchardgrass gives the highest yield when grown in pure stands or mixed with legumes, like alfalfa or red clover . Management should ever favor the legume, especially during cutting or harvesting.

Read: How to Brand Grass Dark-green


For loftier-quality hay, make certain to harvest your orchardgrass during its tardily kick stage (before seedhead emerges). As the institute matures, its digestibility declines, then collecting during the flowering phase and beyond will only yield low-quality hay.

When collecting, leave at least four to 6 inches of the grass higher up the soil. Subsequently that, keep to harvest the subsequent growth at a iv to 6 weeks interval.

For seed collection, make sure to check the seed and fasten's color outset. Mature seeds develop inside the flowering spikes chosen an inflorescence. Once mature, the spikes will lighten in color, and the seeds will turn brown to light tan.

Harvest them by grasping the base of the inflorescence and then pulling upward, stripping the seeds advisedly from the spike. dactylis glomerata

FAQs Nearly Orchardgrass

Is orchardgrass perennial?

Aye. Orchardgrass is considered a absurd-season perennial grass since it can live for more than than two years without requiring much maintenance. Its robust and long-living nature is partly due to its ability to reproduce in 2 means: seeding and asexual vegetative reproduction.

Additionally, information technology possesses a unique attribute that near perennial grasses have一and that'southward its ability to survive in extreme atmospheric condition.

Is orchardgrass adept for horses?

When cultivated and harvested using the proper techniques, orchardgrass makes for an ideal forage for horses, specifically hay. It is a loftier-quality and highly palatable grass that overflows with nutrients. Here are some of its nutritional benefits:

  • It's rich in protein, calories, calcium, and phosphorus.
  • It has higher fiber content, making it more digestible than Timothy grass.
  • Fiber content also promotes gut health and motion in horses and other livestock.

Too ensuring your livestock'southward wellness, hay with a higher nutritional value, such as orchardgrass, as well translates to cost-efficiency.

You lot tin buy orchardgrass for hay, pasture, or silage at your trusted agricultural grass and seeds dealer, similar Standish Milling. We provide loftier-quality fodder grasses for pasture, erosion control, and even conservation plantings.

Is orchardgrass good for rabbits?

As well veggies and pellets, rabbits besides need access to orchardgrass hay since information technology'south rich in fiber and poly peptide. Specifically, it yields effectually 7 to eleven% crude protein, xxx% crude fiber, and calcium content of nigh 0.34%.

Additionally, orchardgrass is not time-sensitive since it tin can be cutting even at its earliest maturation phase. In fact, this specific stage yields the highest nutritional quality hay for livestock and domesticated animals.

Will orchardgrass reseed itself?

Yes, just only under optimal conditions. Furthermore, orchardgrass produces seed heads during their initial spring growth. Later on cutting or grazing, it will then reproduce through its leafy and palatable regrowth.

Is orchardgrass skillful for lawns?

Unfortunately, no. This blazon of grass is an platonic source of hay, but it'due south non well-loved past many lawn owners. In fact, it is considered a noxious and contaminating weed in new lawns that had once served equally pasture land.

Besides making lawns rugged-looking, orchardgrass oft competes with backyard turf (alpine fescue) for infinite and diet.

Does orchardgrass come back every year?

Yes. Orchardgrass is a tall-growing perennial grass, which ways that it's continually recurring. It has a life cycle of more than two years long, enduring whatever seasons and extreme conditions.

What is the best fertilizer for orchardgrass?

Is orchardgrass bad?

Although information technology infests lawns planted with tall fescues, orchardgrass is not bad. Information technology actually has a wide array of uses and benefits in agriculture and ecology, such every bit:

    • Grazing – Orchardgrass primarily serves as the best and most cost-effective pasture, silage, hay, and green chop. It is also a versatile plant since it'south uniform with many types of legumes to be used as hay.
    • Erosion control – This bunchgrass has a creeping rootstalk that can be used to prevent erosion in forestlands, particularly those that had been burned.
    • Survival of wild fauna – Orchardgrass-legume mix is a adept material for brood rearing, nesting, and wintertime cover of some upland wildlife. Additionally, elk and deer find its basal rosette a palatable wintertime fodder. Plus, specific types of caterpillars and butterflies feed on their foliages.
    • Manure and biosolid application

Where to Purchase Orchardgrass for Pasture and Hay?

Are you looking for an ideal perennial grass for hay forage production? Look no further because we have got you lot covered!

Get your highly productive, cool-season Orchardgrass Extend at Standish Milling . Our Dactylis glomerata var Extend is a superior yield and late-maturing grass perfect for alfalfa or ruddy clover mixes. It has a keen stand persistence and stem affliction resistance, allowing quality forage product.

Contact us now at (989)-268-7820 to order your orchardgrass and start growing it in your own pasture or landscape.