
How Long To Keep A Cone On A Dog

How to Assist Your Dog Feel Comfy Wearing a Cone

Author: Cathy Madson, MA, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA

Published: March 14, 2022

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toy poodle wearing a cone at the vet

Memes abound of pups wearing the dreaded "cone of shame" after surgery. While it might exist quite entertaining for united states of america humans to scout our dogs try and maneuver with a lampshade on their heads, information technology tin can be pretty stressful for them.

Simple things similar eating food or drinking h2o are more complicated, and their vision and hearing are different while wearing an e-collar*.

Some dogs take wearing a cone in stride. For others, the increased difficulty of motion, change in hearing and vision, paired with feeling a scrap "off" while medicated, tin can actually stress them out. If you take off their cone for mealtimes, you might detect that they run the other mode when you grab it or spend a lot of fourth dimension trying to wiggle out of information technology or paw information technology off.

If you have some time to teach your dog some body sensation and how to move while wearing their east-collar, y'all'll salve your piece of furniture and knick-knacks from being knocked all over the place.

Dog wearing a cone and stress thunderhsirtStress makes information technology harder for your dog's body to recover1 later on surgery or trauma, and so the less stress, the better! Typically, a domestic dog will demand to habiliment their cone for 10 to 14 days after a spay or neuter surgery — but will need it for much longer (6 to 12 weeks) for orthopedic surgeries. With some simple conditioning, it will be much easier for you to put the cone on and take it off your domestic dog throughout their recovery. This might exist post-op, after a spay or neuter procedure, or subsequently an injury.  Or yous may employ a cone on your domestic dog to help preclude licking or chewing due to itchy skin or to protect a healing hot spot.

It's easy to assist your dog feel more than comfortable wearing a cone! If you know they have surgery coming up soon (such as a spay or neuter), ask your veterinarian for a cone to utilise for grooming a few weeks ahead of time.

*E-collar in this instance stands for Elizabethan collar, not to exist confused with an electric or static shock collar (often also referred to every bit an e-collar). The cone got this proper name as it resembles the ruffled neckwear worn during the Tudor menses.

Introducing Your Dog to the Cone in 6 Like shooting fish in a barrel Steps

What You'll Need:

  • Some delicious dog treats, pea-sized or smaller
  • The cone
  1. Concord the cone, or place it on the ground in front of you. Practise not try and put it on your dog in any way. Reward with a treat any fourth dimension your domestic dog shows involvement in the cone. Any time they sniff, bear upon it with their olfactory organ, or even await at information technology, praise and give a treat. Proceed this session short and fun. Repeat as necessary until your dog shows no fear or stress when in the presence of the cone.

  2. At present agree the cone with the wide opening facing your dog (backward equally far as the dog is concerned). Praise and care for for whatsoever head movement into the cone area by your domestic dog.

    If your dog is tentative well-nigh putting their caput into the cone infinite, that's okay! Just get deadening and advantage for small increments. Echo equally necessary until your dog is comfy with placing their head in the broad opening of the cone. You lot can encourage this by luring your domestic dog. Place a treat in your hand and achieve through the neck opening of the cone to entice them to follow.

  3. Switch to presenting the cone with the pocket-sized opening facing your dog (the correct manner) — praise and reward for any move they make to put their nose through the opening.
    You can encourage them by luring with a treat in your hand, reaching through the opening, and having them follow it through as you pull information technology back towards you. Repeat as necessary until your dog is comfy placing their caput through the smaller opening.

  4. Kickoff to add duration. Praise and reward your domestic dog for keeping their head in the cone longer and longer. You can start to prune the collar closed, reward, and so immediately unclip.

  5. Continue to increase the elapsing your dog is wearing the cone. Add together in rotating the cone around their caput while they're wearing it. Reward heavily throughout.
    Add gently borer on the cone to the routine on the inside and outside, which helps your dog get used to the different sounds they will hear while wearing the cone.

  6. Walk effectually with your dog while they're wearing the cone to help familiarize them with the environment and learn how to maneuver with information technology on. Encourage them to keep their caput up while walking to avoid catching the cone on the carpet or floor. Aid them move through doorways and around corners so they can acclimatize to the different movements.

Watch this video to see these steps in action equally I innovate the cone to Clover the Portuguese Water Dog (to set up her prior to her spay surgery):

Keep each session brusque and sweetness, about iii to five minutes long. Or you can count out a certain number of treats (20–xxx) and terminate the session after you lot've used them all up. The goal is for your dog to view the cone equally something neutral or positive — not something to be scared of or run away from. By pairing it with fun, nutrient, and praise, you forbid the cone from becoming an additional stressor on your canis familiaris during their recovery.

dog in cone of shame

The stiff plastic east-collars tin be tough to gather, even if you've washed it before! Sentry this video for step-past-pace instructions on how to put the cone together:

About the author

As Preventive Vet'south domestic dog behavior practiced and lead trainer at Pupstanding Academy, Cathy focuses on helping humans and their pets build a strong relationship based on trust, articulate advice, and the utilize of positive reinforcement and force-free methods. With over xiii years of experience, she has had the opportunity to work with hundreds of dogs on a broad variety of training and behavior issues. Her specialties include domestic dog aggression, resources guarding, separation anxiety, and puppy socialization.

Cathy is certified through the Certification Council of Professional person Dog Trainers, belongings both the CPDT-KA and CBCC-KA designations. Cathy is a Fear Free Certified Certified Professional, a member of the Clan of Professional Domestic dog Trainers, the Pet Professional Guild, and the Dog Author's Association of America.

When she'southward not geeking out virtually dogs, you lot can find her reading, hiking with her two Cardigan Welsh Corgis, or paddleboarding.

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