
How To Keep Cut Tomatoes Fresh Longer

Photo Courtesy: Wikipedia

One of the nigh of import things for living a healthy life is eating salubrious food, and that means produce. Lots of produce. Only 1 of the biggest bug with good for you nutrient choices is food spoilage and waste product. Delicious fruits and vegetables tend to spoil pretty quickly, which can discourage a lot of folks.

However, hope isn't lost if you're trying to become more fruits and veggies in your diet. Hither are some like shooting fish in a barrel tips and tricks for keeping your produce fresh and tasty, both in and out of the fridge.

Use Produce Bags for Storage

You may be tempted to shop produce in bags. Sealed bags — like attachment seal bags — aren't a good idea since they trap moisture and air in with your fruits and veggies. This causes the produce items to spoil faster as they sit down in this mix of water and air and turn into a feast for bacteria.

Photograph Courtesy: Bill Ebbesen/Wikipedia

Instead, buy some breathable storage numberless designed specifically for fresh produce. They blot moisture and air while assuasive your fruits and veggies to arctic in the refrigerator for much longer.

There are some fruits and veggies that exercise fantastic in cold storage areas such every bit a refrigerator, simply others admittedly should not be kept there. Instead, these items should be kept in cool — only not refrigerated or frozen — dark spaces.

Photo Courtesy: Monicor/Pixabay

The back of a pantry or root cellar is perfect for keeping onions, garlic, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash and like root vegetables. These items should also be kept in open-air containers and breathable numberless. There's a reason potatoes come in sacks with small holes all over them.

Know Which Veggies and Fruits Produce Ethylene

There'south a gas released by certain veggies and fruits called ethylene. It breaks downwardly chlorophyll, which is the chemical that keeps plants light-green and helps them produce the energy they need to grow and flourish. Because of this, ethylene speeds up the ripening of produce and makes them rot quickly if they are not properly stored.

Photo Courtesy: skeeze/Pixabay

These fruits and veggies create ethylene: apples, apricots, bananas, avocados, onions, pears, persimmons, plantains, melons, mangoes, tomatoes, nectarines, peaches, plums and damaged or bruised potatoes.

Know Which Fruits and Veggies Not to Store Together

Non all produce creates and releases ethylene gas. However, even fruits and veggies that don't produce ethylene themselves may ripen and rot quickly if exposed to the gas. Avoid storing fruits and veggies that are sensitive to ethylene with producers of the gas.

Photo Courtesy: JerzyGorecki/Pixabay

The post-obit fruits and veggies don't produce ethylene merely are sensitive to information technology: asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, cabbage, okra, green beans, grapes, leafy greens similar spinach and kale, squash, zucchini and sweetness potatoes.

Bananas Should Be Stored With Plastic Wrap on Their Stems

While making banana bread from old, blackened bananas is a nifty fashion to use this overripened fruit, the healthiest way to eat bananas is while they're fresh. You've probably noticed that bananas tend to go bad pretty quickly, growing those unappetizing brown spots near as soon as y'all bring them home from the supermarket.

Photograph Courtesy: StockSnap/Pixabay

The easiest way to slow downwards bananas' ripening process is to take hold of some plastic wrap and advisedly air current it around the stems the stems. The placement of the wrap helps to reduce the release of ethylene, the gas that speeds up the brown spot growth on bananas.

Keep an Centre on Your Produce and Move It every bit Needed

If you notice some of your produce going bad — say, an orange in a bag of oranges — you'll want to immediately remove the bad piece from the residuum of the fruit. Leaving the bad fruit or veggie in with the ones that haven't spoiled even so will cause them to commencement rotting too.

Photo Courtesy: adonyig/Pixabay

You'll notice more mold and black spots in fruit that's left together. Carefully check each piece to see if any mold has started to grow on, and and then spread out the remaining healthy produce and make sure they are clean and in a breathable environment.

Know When to Refrigerate and When Not to Refrigerate

Some produce should always exist refrigerated, while others should never be refrigerated raw. Some are somewhere in betwixt. Those that should never be refrigerated until cut or cooked include melons, squash, cucumbers, garlic, onions, potatoes and sweet potatoes.

Photo Courtesy: mohamed-hassan/Pixabay

Many fruits and veggies don't require refrigeration just may last longer in the refrigerator. These include apples, asparagus, berries, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, grapes and leafy greens. Store them in a crisper drawer to avoid accumulating moisture that can cause wilting or rotting, and be certain to space the produce out rather than bunching everything tightly together.

Storing Leafy Greens Properly Tin Keep Them Fresh Longer

The best way to store leafy greens isn't by throwing them in the fridge the second you get home and waiting to treat them until later. Instead, you should rinse the greens thoroughly. Wrap them in a paper towel or tea towel and dry them as all-time you can with a bit of patting.

Photograph Courtesy: Shutterbug75/Pixabay

Later on, place them in the fridge in a container or sealed bag. This works for bok choy, lettuce greens, Swiss chard, spinach and kale, and doing so means less prep time when y'all're gear up to melt or brand a salad.

Asparagus Is All-time in the Refrigerator With Wet

Information technology may seem counterintuitive to shop any produce with moisture since what makes many things get bad, but asparagus is a unlike animal (er, establish) than most. There are a couple of ways to store asparagus to keep it fresh.

Photograph Courtesy: Muffet/Wikipedia

First, rinse the asparagus thoroughly and towel it dry. From at that place, you tin can either wrap the stalk ends in a damp paper towel and identify them into an open up container or grab a drinking glass jar and fill it with a scrap of h2o like you would a vase for flowers. Place the asparagus stalk ends into the water.

Tomatoes Shouldn't Always Beginning in the Refrigerator

If you buy but soft, bright red tomatoes, yous should immediately place them in the fridge. If, however, you buy green, partially green or otherwise house tomatoes, you should start them out somewhere at room temperature.

Photo Courtesy: Couleur/Pixabay

If they're green or partially light-green, you should also aim to keep them in a kitchen window or other place where they tin can get direct sunlight. The calorie-free helps to ripen the tomatoes evenly. In one case the tomatoes are fully ripe and start to experience a footling soft, they should exist transferred to the refrigerator.

Empathise the Shelf Life of Your Produce Items

Just equally proper storage methods for fruits and veggies change from detail to item, different kinds of produce come with different shelf lives. Some may merely last for one or two days, while others tin can be skillful for a couple months.

Photo Courtesy: onetoremember/Pixabay

Potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions and other root vegetables naturally last longer than produce similar bananas or leafy greens. When you store for fruits and veggies, keep these self-life periods in mind to avoid spoilage.

Many Vegetables Tin can Be Frozen Instead of Kept in the Refrigerator

If y'all take veggies you're not going to eat right away, you can always freeze them. It'south a fast and easy method for preserving nutritional content, and the veggies may terminal for up to a year. However, most kinds of produce should be blanched earlier they get into the freezer.

Photo Courtesy: PDPics/Pixabay

To do this, boil some water and place the sliced or whole vegetables into it for one to two minutes but. Remove the veggies and put them immediately into cold water to terminate the cooking procedure. This also prevents freezer fire. Avert freezing artichokes, radishes, eggplant, potatoes (unless cut or mashed), sweet potatoes and Belgian endive.

Put Grapes on Newspaper Towels or Freeze Them

Grapes are one of nature'south candies, only they're notorious for growing mold and turning gross very quickly. The reason? Wet build-up, since they're usually still on the vine and collected in a bag together.

Photo Courtesy: Gratis-Photos/Pixabay

To preserve grapes, remove them from the purse and rinse them thoroughly. When they're make clean, gently dry them with a newspaper towel. So employ a dry paper towel to line an open container and put the stale grapes within. Alternatively, if yous like a cold care for, wash and dry the grapes and toss them in the freezer.

Don't Wash Those Mushrooms …

For those who beloved proficient fungi, mushrooms are a delicious addition to the produce drawer. They come in all shapes and sizes, from Enoki to Portabella, and a wide range of flavors. But one thing all varieties of mushrooms have in mutual is that they don't like to exist washed earlier storing.

Photo Courtesy: Couleur/Pixabay

While many other veggies do well with a quick rinse, mushrooms are more likely to rot if after exposure to water. Instead, simply put them in a sealed container in the fridge. Avoid opening the container unless you're retrieving some mushrooms for food prep.

… or Peppers

Peppers can terminal for a reasonably long fourth dimension, but only if they're stored properly. Thankfully, that's pretty like shooting fish in a barrel to do. Make clean the peppers of debris, but don't wash them. Then place them in a produce purse or other breathable container.

Photo Courtesy: KaiPilger/Pixabay

Peppers remain fresh and crisp for ii to three weeks every bit long as they don't get wet. You should besides avoid keeping them with other vegetables like tomatoes or carrots, which could result in rot.

Keep Your Berries Dry

Berries are a delicate fruit that usually come up in containers that aren't particularly conducive to their preservation. Berries respond terribly to moisture, and these breathable containers expose them to humidity that speeds up their rotting process.

Photograph Courtesy: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay

Like all fruit, they also don't like beingness bunched together. Remove the berries from the containers, wash them gently and pat dry. In an open up container, lay them out in a single layer on a newspaper towel. One time the moisture has been removed, store them in the refrigerator.

Don't Refrigerate Citrus Fruit

Nosotros tend to keep everything in the fridge, just there are some fruits and vegetables that concluding longer if they're non kept in the common cold. Citrus fruit is ane of them. Instead of putting your citrus in a bowl where they may become moldy, lay them out on the counter instead.

Photograph Courtesy: Hans/Pixabay

Spread the fruit out equally much as possible in an open-air space — not cool and dark places. This works best for grapefruit, oranges and tangerines, although other fruit like limes and lemons also benefit from this method of storage.

Divide Your Bananas

Another way to preserve those e'er-popular yellow fruit is by separating them. The bunches bananas come in are one of the large reasons these delicious, potassium-rich fruits go bad and so chop-chop.

Photo Courtesy: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay

If you lot separate bananas and store them individually, they can last longer and won't grow nearly equally many brown spots – unless you just let them hang out for a month. Even better, bind the stems with plastic wrap to prevent the release of ethylene.

Continue Rock Fruit on the Counter

A lot of times, peaches, nectarines, apricots and other stone fruits are under-ripe when you buy them from the store. They're picked, packed and shipped this way to help prevent them from beingness squishy and soft by the time they brand it to your local supermarket.

Photo Courtesy: Couleur/Pixabay

However, this means they're hard, less flavorful, and not particularly flavory by the time they reach you. The all-time way to store these fruits safely and then that they ripen instead of rot is past placing them on your countertop without washing. Check them daily to test for ripeness. Once they ripen, keep them in the fridge to preserve their sweetness longer.

Use Nylon Stockings for Your Onions

One of the all-time ways to continue onions is within of a pair of nylon stockings. The easiest way to practice this is with a pair of genu-highs. Place an onion in the toe and tie a knot above it. Place some other onion in the adjacent section of nylon and tie another. Repeat as needed.

Photograph Courtesy: Couleur/Pixabay

The knots help to divide the onions from each other and avoid the spread of rot while providing a breathable and convenient storage option. They tin can last between six and viii months this way.

For Leafy, Fresh Herbs, Think Blossom Vase

Like to asparagus, parsley, cilantro, basil and other leafy green herbs tin be kept longer through anarchistic storage methods. Before exploring this method, it's critical to note that these leafy herbs should not be done until immediately before use in a recipe.

Photo Courtesy: gate74/Pixabay

Take a vase, glass or other high-necked container and fill the bottom with h2o similar yous would a vase for cut flowers. Then, without trimming or washing the herbs, place the stems downwards into the water. Instead of using the fridge, place the vase of herbs on a counter or open-air shelf at room temperature.

Put Mushrooms and Parsley Together

If yous plan on whipping up a tasty recipe using mushrooms and parsley, y'all tin store both items together to help keep them both fresher for longer. Make sure you don't wash the mushrooms until you lot're ready to apply them for a repast.

Photo Courtesy: Couleur/Pixabay

Catch a paper bag and add in some fresh, unwashed parsley branches. The parsley acts as an antioxidant and prevents the mushrooms from growing spots. Later you lot've put the two together, you can air-condition them for between three and v days and yet have fresh mushrooms and parsley.

Disinfect Your Strawberries With White Vinegar

Yous should simply wash strawberries right before you eat them, so yous oftentimes demand a bit of a heave to keep them fresh. Y'all can disinfect strawberries with 1 part vinegar, 2 parts h2o. Remove any molding strawberries start.

Photo Courtesy: robertobarresi/Pixabay

Rinse the berries in the solution, remove the stems and place them in an airtight container for freezing. If yous plan to eat them fresh, go on them in the fridge in a colander. This can prevent leftover fluid from rotting the berries. In the freezer, they'll last for two to four months. In the refrigerator, between five and 6 days.

Wrap a Cut Lemon in Aluminum Foil

If y'all've cutting up a lemon and just used one-half of information technology, you lot don't want the other half to go to waste. To prevent this, consider wrapping the lemon one-half in aluminum foil and storing it in the refrigerator. This tin forbid the lemon from losing its color and season.

Photo Courtesy: rawpixel/Pixabay

Alternatively, you can coat the open up flesh of the lemon in salt, after which information technology should besides be stored in the fridge. Be sure to rinse it thoroughly before employ if you lot go with the salt method.

Shop Carrots in Water for Freshness

The best fashion to store carrots is to proceed them in h2o. First, peel and cut the carrots in half so that they fit an airtight container. You can exit them whole if you have a large enough container.

Photo Courtesy: congerdesign/Pixabay

Next, adapt the carrots so that at that place'due south at least an inch of headroom between the peak of the carrots and the rim of the container. Fill the container with clean water and seal it securely. Change out the water daily to maintain freshness.

Coat Cut Apples and Avocados in Lime Juice

Almost the 2nd you cut open an avocado or apple, the mankind of the fruit starts to turn brown. This is because the within of the fruit becomes exposed to oxygen, which releases enzymes in the fruit that speed up the ripening rate.

Photo Courtesy: stevepb/Pixabay

Citric acid, however, can knock out those enzymes and slow downwardly the browning process. Simply squirt or castor a little lemon or lime juice over the flesh of the fruit and so store it in an closed container. This works specially well with avocados, although apples also stop browning with this method.

Proceed Your Pineapple Upside Down

If yous beloved keeping this tasty, tropical staple on paw, yous've probably noticed that pineapples take a while to ripen – so they apace grow mold and go mushy. Fortunately, there'south an piece of cake style to keep them until they mature and prevent the mold from getting nasty.

Photo Courtesy: pineapplesupplyco/Pixabay

Start past cutting off the leafy peak of the pineapple. That doesn't mean down to the quick, though – but the leafy office. Next, detect a identify where you can store the pineapple upside downward. This helps to redistribute the sugars throughout the pineapple rather than leaving it in the bottom of the fruit.

Revive Wilted Greens Instead of Tossing Them

Lettuce and other greens wait great fresh, but if they wind upwards in the incorrect part of the fridge or become a fleck too cold, they can wilt on you. The reason for this is often because they lose their moisture.

Photo Courtesy: Pezibear/Pixabay

If you desire to revive that lettuce or spinach for some fresh salad, y'all can practice and then by submerging the leaves in cold water for about one-half an 60 minutes. This lets the leaves regain their crispness and vivid coloring.

Foreclose Beets From Shriveling and Drying

Beets are a root vegetable that can be stored in a variety of ways. The key to their preservation is cool and dark places where they won't be exposed to a lot of moisture. If they are exposed, it should just be in a controlled setting, such as in a jar every bit described above for carrots.

Photo Courtesy: DesertRose7/Pixabay

The best way to practice this is by removing the beet tops — these can be used immediately in a lot of different recipes — and leaving at least a half-inch of the stem to prevent the moisture in the beet from seeping out.

Utilise Aluminum Foil to Proceed Your Celery Crisp and Delicious

Limp celery is a real bummer, and not especially appetizing. To prevent that unfortunate scenario, employ aluminum foil. First, take hold of a single sail of foil . Side by side, break the celery off of the base, merely don't wash information technology. Wrap the celery pieces in aluminum foil, and you're done.

Photo Courtesy: Republica/Pixabay

Keep celery prepared this way in the crisper or front of the refrigerator to prevent it from getting too cold and wilting. Washed properly, your celery should stay fresh and crunchy for at least a month.


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