
How To Keep Strawberries Fresh With Apple Cider Vinegar

Have yous ever wondered why your strawberries (or whatsoever berry for that matter) exercise not last long in the refrigerator? The trouble is mold spores found on all berries! Use this berry launder recipe to get rid of nasty mold spores and make your berries concluding for days longer!

Whether you are preparing a berry Chantilly cake, or something as elaborate as my "Fresh Strawberry Cake with Strawberry Buttercream Made from Fresh Strawberries" recipe, these steps volition allow you to prepare and store your berries and so that they will last longer and allow you more time to use them in-between your favorite recipes.

berry wash featured

Berries are a household staple, but unfortunately, they take a bad reputation. More often than not, you will buy a carton of berries at the grocery store, and so but a few days later they take already begun to rot from mold spores.

All berries accept mold spores already on them. It's just role of being a berry. But that doesn't mean you tin't do something virtually it!

closeup of strawberry with mold With these steps below, you will be able to increase the life of your berries so they last for days longer!

How Long Practise Berries Normally Last?

Berries generally concluding anywhere from three to 7 seven days once they are picked and stored. It is best to refrigerate your Berries, and in doing and so, you lot will extend their freshness. Berries left at room temperature will proceed to decay faster unless they are placed in a cool, dry temperature-controlled environs.

fresh strawberries in hands

When information technology is possible, it is best to store for berries both when they are in season likewise as from local farmers. When you shop locally, you are non only supporting smaller businesses and helping your community, just you are also buying fresher berries that take spent less fourth dimension off of the vine.

How To Make A Berry Launder Solution Pace-By-Step

Only because strawberries tend to have a shorter shelf life does not hateful you should feel discouraged from ownership them. There are a number of very unproblematic and effective steps that yous can accept when you are buying and storing your strawberries at home that will give your strawberries the best hazard at a longer-than-average lifespan.

Berry Wash Supplies & Ingredients

ingredients for berry wash

  • Large Container
  • Newspaper Towels
  • Colander
  • White Vinegar
  • Fresh Berries

Step 1 – In a big stockpot or basin, combine 1 gallon of cool water with 1/ii cup of white vinegar (you lot can use less water and vinegar for fewer berries)

berries in mixture of water and vinegar in metal pot

Pace ii – Soak the berries in this vinegar-water wash for about 10 minutes. I gently stir mine with my paw to make certain all the berries are getting some vinegar love.

Step 3 – Drain the berries in a colander in the sink and give a quick rinse. Rinsing isn't actually necessary since the pocket-size amount of vinegar will non affect the gustatory modality but I do it anyhow.

strawberries rinsed in water in white colander

Step 5 – Transfer berries to paper towels and let them air dry until they are completely dry out.

drying berries on paper towel

Step 6 – Store the dry berries with a dry newspaper towel in a drinking glass or plastic container without a lid to promote airflow in the fridge for upward to 3 weeks! You lot can re-use the container the berries came in, only make certain you wash it kickoff!

These berries are 2 weeks old and are a fleck shrunken simply still no mold!

strawberries in plastic container

The vinegar in this strawberry launder kills mold spores that make your strawberries go bad so that they volition last much longer, up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator!

Boosted Tips to Brand Your Strawberries Concluding Longer

  • Inspect the berries before you purchase them. If the berries take a shine to them and appear fresh, they volition likely final longer. If the strawberries appear tedious or have withered stems, information technology is likely that they will not terminal as long every bit you desire them to last.
  • When purchasing berries, plough the container over. Moldy berries are normally at the bottom where all the moisture collects.
  • molding blackberries in plastic container

  • Squished, moldy, or bruised berries should not exist stored away because the mold will spread to the other berries.
  • Wet is detrimental to berries, which is why you must go on them dry to ensure freshness and longevity.
  • Keeping your berries dry and refrigerated volition ho-hum down the molding and decaying process.
  • Occasionally check up on your stored strawberries. If any berries that are stored accept begun molding or show signs of going bad, remove them from the bunch and return the rest of the berries back to storage.

mixed berries in white colander

Bonus Tip!

Even if your strawberries are non molding, they might start to shrivel up from losing moisture in the fridge. You can bring them dorsum to life and plump them up a fleck by soaking old berries in water ice water for 20 minutes!

strawberries in ice water

I mean.. they aren't skillful every bit new merely they look pretty skillful!

close up of washed strawberries

If you enjoyed this tutorial on how to make your strawberries last longer, feel free to use your fresh strawberries to recreate some of our favorite strawberry recipes:

  • The Best Strawberry Shortcake Recipe
  • Strawberry Cinnamon Rolls with Foam Cheese Frosting
  • Drupe Filling Recipe
  • Strawberry Cake Mix Recipe

Did You Make This Recipe? Leave a rating and tell me how it went!

berry wash featured image

Berry Wash Recipe

How to wash your berries and then that they last for upwardly to three weeks longer! Ony takes 15 minutes!

Print Rate Never Miss A Cake

Prep Time: 5 mins

soaking: 10 mins

Total Time: 15 mins

Serves: 2 lb

Calories: ten kcal


  • 32 ounces (907 chiliad) fresh berries
  • 1 gallon (3785 yard) cold water
  • iv ounces (113 g) white vinegar


  • Combine the water and vinegar in a big stock pot or bowl

  • Add your berries and let them soak for x minutes

  • Lightly rinse the berries with fresh h2o and place them onto some newspaper towels to dry

  • Store your berries in the fridge and enjoy them for upward to 3 weeks!


  1. You lot tin can reduce or increase the amount of water and vinegar for the number of berries that you have. For instance, if you just need to wash a pint of strawberries you can use four cups of common cold water and 2 Tablespoons of vinegar to wash the berries.
  2. Make certain the berries are dry earlier you store them to forbid them from getting soggy
  3. Choose berries that don't take any signs of mold or bruising for maximum freshness and longevity
  4. Occasionally bank check the berries for whatsoever bad ones and immediately remove them
  5. Freshen up erstwhile berries by soaking them in water ice water for 20 minutes


Serving: 4 ounces | Calories: 10 kcal (1%) | Carbohydrates: 1 one thousand | Sodium: 96 mg (4%) | Sugar: 1 g (ane%) | Calcium: 57 mg (6%)


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